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File Assist Service £8.95 (per file)

Ideal for those people without a graphic design background, We recommend opting for our 'File Assist' service. This will cover any product you order except Booklets or Brochures

We will check the size, text is legible, add bleed if necessary, add a white border if no safe area is on the file and upload it for you if you are struggling to use our uploader. If you have ordered and sent the wrong size we will also inform you before printing.

PLEASE NOTE this service does not include proof reading, checking of accurate content, page orientation or folding accuracy in your design. Also, if you have only pad for x1 File Assist, but sent multiple files, only the first one will be checked.

File Assist (Booklets) Service £15.00

We also offer a 'File Assist' for our Booklets and Brochures, which includes all of the proofing mentioned above but will also resize your pages , and ensure you have the correct number of pages in the correct order. If the number of pages are incorrect, we will contact you and recommend your options. If you have a boooklet order you should opt for this option and NOT the File assist shown above.

Responsive Design
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  Order within HR MIN SECS and get your order by Tuesday 1st April